New year 2012

OK, setelah beberapa lama x update blog, hari ni rasa mcm nk update blog. Dah la sekarang adalah office hour dan kerja saya sgtla byk tp rs mcm nk update blog.. Bole x?.. Hehe. boleh la, sukati saya la.. Hehehe..

Hmm Dah 2012, byk bende dh jadi.. sampai x terupdate.. sapa suruh malas update blog?. :p

Generally, what happen in 2011:-

1) Better in financial, alhamdulillah, thanks to siaiambee
2) New bf bcoz of no 1 (Not human, but solid molid white car for myself, so happy to at last drove a auto car, sy dh penat bw manual ;)
3) At last, pursue my study at UITM shah alam in Master of IT (management) - konon2 nk jadi bos la tu, or maybe a lecturer one fine day :)
- Yang ni part time.. So really struggling dengan kerja, belajar, assignment yg sgt byk, test, dll. Tp insyaAllah, demi minat sy akan habiskan.. insyaAllah.. Now dh abis 1st sem.. 3 more sem to go :)
4) Alhamdulillah, parent dh selamat kerjakn haji, tumpang gembira sgt for them coz they rily want to go..
5) Dikma stay with me for the whole year doing her chambering, Now dh abis n mencari kerja.. Maybe dia akan kerja di melaka, tmn my lil brother kt rumah melaka.. Nice. lps ni insyaAllah rumah melaka cantik kembali. Tp its all up to her to decide where she want to work.. N she's officially a lawyer now, mak ayh and the whole family really proud of her :)
6) Dapat holiday kt 3 negara (Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong). Fun experience, and sgt happy together2 dgn kawan2... Duit pn sama terbang melayang. No saving at all for 2011. Ehem2.. :p

So sempena 2012 ni, priority dh berubah... no more main2 sbb nk abiskn study.. The new year resolution will be:-

1) Want a family of my own and a good man to company me till end of my life (InsyaAllah, Allah help bless us)
2) Rajin dan tekun belajar supaya dpt abiskn master dengan result yg baik
3) Good health = lebih banyak bersukan (bole percaya ke?)
4) Balance work + study + life
5) Be a good daughter and big sis
6) Simpan duit (No more big holiday this year, terlalu byk commitment, so postpone dlu jalan2, tp jalan2 dlm malaysia bole lagi la :p)

InsyaAllah, life will be better. I want to be better than the 2011 version of me.. Amin

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